作者:直播谷 | 发表于:2023-03-07 | 阅读:122次

万众瞩目的世界杯大战终于拉开大幕!男生看踢球,女生看帅锅,各有所乐!不过,众位帅锅美女, 要是你们想在看球时装个范儿,用英文聊两句足球,“足球”你知道该咋说吗?脱口而出“football”!这其实是英国人的叫法,老美会说“soccer”。为啥叫法不一样?且听世纪君慢慢道来。

现代足球的起源 Origin of the modern sport


The history of football goes back hundreds of years, but the modern variety can be traced to the English boarding-school athletics craze. Every school played its own version of "football," which led to confusion when players from one school met players from another. As the game spread, there were numerous attempts to devise a set of rules that everyone could follow.

1863年10月,11个球队的代表聚在一起,准备制定统一的足球规则。这些代表自称Football Association(足球联盟)。在最后的会议中,大部分人都赞同在比赛中禁止踢小腿和用手带球,但是来自Blackheath的代表不同意,并退出会议。由此,英国足球规则分裂为两派,一派是association football (英式足球,即现代最常见的足球形式),另外一派则是rugby(橄榄球)。同时,英国以外地区的足球形式和规则也在独立发展着。后来,英式足球和橄榄球传入美国,逐渐演变为美式足球,也称为美式橄榄球 (American football)。

In October 1863, a group of representatives from 11 old boys' clubs convened at the Freemasons' Tavern in London to iron out a compromise. Calling themselves the Football Association, they held meetings for two months, then published a series of rules. At the final meeting, however, the representative from Blackheath withdrew when the group voted to disallow shin-hacking and carrying the ball, longstanding traditions of the game as played at the Rugby School. Thus, English football split into two codes, association and rugby. Less official—or less English—versions of the game also continued to go their own way.

足球的英美叫法 Football and soccer

在19世纪英式足球刚创立的时候,它的名字就叫Association Football,简称football。当时的英国上层社会也将Association Football简称为assoccer (来自于association),后来演变为soccer。当美式足球兴起时,美国人将其称为American Football;为了以示区别,他们借用soccer来称呼英式足球。有意思的是,英国人现在提到足球都说football或footy,很少用soccer一词。

The version adopted as standard in the United Kingdom came to be known as association football, which was the original term given to the game in the 1860s at the elite schools. The abbreviation “Assoccer”, which became “soccer,” was used by the British upper classes of that period. As another set of rules won out in the United States, the Americans took to calling their own variety “football”, and referred to the British sport by the slang term soccer. Interestingly, nowadays, from the British Royal Family down to passionate supporters, the game is called football. Or “footy.”





标签: 你说 英语 对了
