作者:直播谷 | 发表于:2023-03-11 | 阅读:142次


他的投篮命中率为51.9%,三分命中率为50.3%,罚球命中率为93.1%。 一旦赛季结束,勇士队的这位超级明星也将冲击自己创造的的378个三分球记录。




Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry currently has a 50-50-90 shooting line in 15 games played this season.He is making 51.9 percent of his field goals, 50.3 percent of his three-point attempts, and shoots 93.1 percent from the free-throw line. The Warriors superstar is also on pace to hit 378 three-pointers once the season is done.

为了更客观地讲述这有多难,NBA有50-40-90俱乐部 - 这里面的人是那些投篮命中率至少50%,三分球命中率40%,罚球命中率90%的射手俱乐部 - 到目前为止只有 库里,杜兰特,马克普莱斯,雷吉米勒,史蒂夫纳什,诺维斯基和拉里伯德这几个人是俱乐部成员。 即使是传奇人物雷阿伦也不包括在这个精英群体中。



To put things in perspective, the 50-40-90 shooting club — reserved for those who shoot at least 50 percent from the field, 40 percent from 3-point distance, and 90 percent from the free-throw line — is only composed of Curry, Kevin Durant, Mark Price, Reggie Miller, Steve Nash, Dirk Nowitzki, and Larry Bird. Even the legendary Ray Allen isn’t included in this elite group.Now, Curry wants to take it to a whole new level by establishing a new 50-50-90 cub.

由于腹股沟受伤,斯蒂芬库里本赛季已经缺席了11场比赛。 但看起来他再次成为最受欢迎的球员之一,因为他健康时的表现足以获得MVP。 他本赛季表现非常出色,场均得分30.2分,5.7次助攻和5.1个篮板。

在他缺席的情况下,勇士队显然很挣扎。 事实是他们在库里缺席的比赛中取得了5胜6负的成绩。 结果,他们创造了自2013年以来的前20场比赛中最糟糕的输赢记录。


Stephen Curry has already missed 11 games this season due to a groin injury. But it seems like he’s becoming one of the favorites once again to earn the Most Valuable Player award with his performance when he’s healthy. He is having a superb season so far as he averages 30.2 points, 5.7 assists, and 5.1 rebounds per game.The Warriors clearly struggled during his absence. The truth is they went 5-6 in the games that he missed. As a result, they experienced their worst win-loss record in the season’s first 20 games since 2013.

这代表了库里对这支高得分球队的重要性。 现在他又回来了,勇士队似乎再次找到了自己的节奏。

库里几天前对阵底特律活塞。 尽管最后功亏一篑,他还是在终场前得到了27分。 在对阵亚特兰大老鹰队的比赛中,他仅仅用了29分钟,17投10中,得到了30分。

在周四对阵克利夫兰骑士队的比赛中,他得到自他回归以来的最高得分输出,也是对阵骑士队的职业生涯新高。 他得到42分并且在三分球14投9中。

库里是目前联盟中最好的球员之一,数据不会说谎。 他那些令人震惊的数据似乎正在为这位五届全明星球员正名。


It shows just how important Curry is to this high-scoring team. Now that he’s back, the Warriors have seemingly found their stride again.Stephen Curry returned a few days ago against the Detroit Pistons. Despite a losing effort, he managed to score 27 points to pick up where he left off. Against the Atlanta Hawks, he played in only 29 minutes but scored 30 points because of his 10-of-17 shooting from the floor.In the Warriors’ game against the Cleveland Cavaliers Wednesday, he exploded for his highest scoring output since returning which is also a career-high against the Cavs. He scored 42 points and sank nine of his 14 three-point attempts.Curry is one of the best players in the league right now, and the stats do not lie. His jaw-dropping numbers are the ones that seemingly do the talking for the five-time All-Star.

Jerodean Valdez报道






标签: 最好的 射手 库里
