作者:直播谷 | 发表于:2023-03-12 | 阅读:222次

Starter Unit 1 :问候他人

1.下午好,汤姆!Good afternoon, Tom!

2. 下午好,弗兰克!你好吗?Good afternoon, Frank! How are you?

3.我很好,谢谢。你呢?I'm fine, thanks. And you?

4.我很好。I'm OK.

Starter Unit 2 :如何写辨认物品、拼写单词的对话

1.早上好,托尼。Good morning, Tony.

2.早上好,艾米。Good morning, Amy.

3.这个用英语怎么说?What's this in English?

4.它是一支新的钢笔。It's a new pen.

5. 这个用英语怎么说?And what's this in English?

6.它是一把尺子。It's a ruler.

7.请把它拼写一下。Spell it, please.


9.谢谢你Thank you.

Starter Unit 3 :谈论物品的颜色

1.你好,弗兰克。Hello, Frank!

2.你好,格蕾丝。Hello, Grace!

3. 这个用英语怎么说?What's this in English?

4.它是一支钢笔。It's a pen.

5.它是什么颜色的?What color is it?

6.它是红色的。It's red.

7.那是什么?And what's that?

8.它是一个杯子。It's a cup.

9.它是什么颜色的?What color is it?

10.它是白色的。It's white.

11.哇,它非常漂亮。Wow, it's very nice.

12.谢谢你。Thank you.

Unit 1 :自我介绍

1.早上好! 我叫露西 · 布朗。 Lucy 是我的名,Brown 是我的姓。

Good morning! My name is Lucy Brown. Lucy is my first name, and Brown is my last name.

2.我的电话号码是878-9458。 很高兴见到你!

My telephone number is 878-9458. Nice to meet you!


Thank you very much.

Unit 2 :介绍家人

My family

1.嗨,我是鲍勃。 这是一张我全家的照片。

Hi, I'm Bob. Here is a photo of my family.

2.这是我的祖父母,杰克和凯特。 那是我父母,弗兰克和琳达。

These are my grandparents, Jack and Kate. Those are my parents, Frank and Linda.

3.这个女孩是我妹妹。 她叫简。

This girl is my sister. Her name is Jane.

4. 那是谁? 哦,是我。 我爱我的家人。

Who's that? Oh, it's me. I love my family.

Unit 3 :寻物启事和失物招领启事


1.这个红色的铅笔盒是你的吗? 我在阅览室找到的。

Is this red pencil box yours? I found it in the reading room.

2.它很大。 里面有一支铅笔和一把尺子。 请拨打843-5899找我。

It is big. There is a pencil and a ruler in it. Please call me at 843-5899.



1.阅览室里有一个红色铅笔盒。 它很大。里面有一支铅笔和一把尺子。

A red pencil box is in the reading room. It is big. A pencil and a ruler are in it.

2. 这个铅笔盒是你的吗? 请拨打843-5899找我。

Is this pencil box yours? Please call me at 843-5899.


Unit 4 :物品的位置

1.这是我的房间。 它非常整洁。

This is my room. It's very tidy.

2.我的夹克在床上。 我的鞋在床底下。 我的钟在梳妆台上。

My jacket is on the bed. And my shoes are under the bed. My clock is on the dressing table.

3.那是我的照片。 它在墙上。 我的书在哪里呢? 看! 它们在我的书柜里。

That is my picture. It's on the wall. Where are my books? Look! They're in my bookcase.

4.我的电脑和 一些CD在桌子上。 我有一个漂亮的房间。

And my computer and some CDs are on the desk. I have a nice room.

Unit 5 :我喜欢运动

1.我非常喜欢运动。 我有五个足球。

I like sports very much. I have five soccer balls.

2.下课后,我经常和同学们一起踢足球。 我觉得这很令人放松。对我来说很简单。

After class I often play soccer with my classmates. I think it's relaxing, It's easy for me.

3.我还有三个篮球。 但我不打篮球,我只在电视上看。 它很困难。

And I have three basketballs. But I don't play basketball - I only watch it on TV. It's difficult.

4.我没有排球。 我觉得它很无聊。

I don't have a volleyball. I think it's boring.

5.运动对我们有好处。 每天做运动是很重要的。

Sports are good for us. It's important to play sports every day.

Unit 6 :谈论饮食喜好

I Eat Well

1.我又高又健康。 我每天都吃得很好。我吃很多健康的食物。

I am very tall and healthy. I eat well every day. I have lots of healthy food.

2. 早餐,我吃鸡蛋,橘子和牛奶。 午餐,我喜欢米饭,胡萝卜,肉和香蕉。

For breakfast, I have eggs, oranges and milk. For lunch, I like rice, carrots, meat and bananas.

3. 晚餐,我喜欢鸡肉和沙拉。 我喜欢吃冰淇淋当甜点。

And for dinner, I like chicken and salad. I like ice-cream for dessert.

4. 你喜欢吃什么? 你能告诉我吗?

What do you like to eat? Can you tell me?

Unit 7 :服装店促销广告

Dongfang Clothe Store

1. 大家好! 来东方服装店买衣服吧!我们卖的衣服都很便宜。

Hello, everyone! Come and buy your clothes at Dongfang Clothes Store! We sell all our clothes at very good prices.

2. 你要鞋子吗? 我们有只要15块的漂亮鞋子。

Do you want shoes? We have nice shoes for only ¥15.

3. 对于男生,我们有白色,红色,黑色,蓝色,绿色和黄色的 T 恤,每件20元。

For boys, we have white, red, black, blue, green and yellow T-shirts for ¥20 each.

4. 对于女孩,我们有各种颜色的裙子。 他们才35元。

For girls, we have skirts in all colors. They are only ¥35.

5. 来我们店里亲眼看看吧。

Come to our store and see for yourself.

Unit 8 :生日

1.我叫蒂娜。 我13岁了。 我的生日是10月25日。

My name is Tina. I'm thirteen years old. My birthday is on October 25th.

2.我家有四口人。 他们是我的父亲,我的母亲,我的妹妹和我。

There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my younger sister and I.

3. 我的父母是教师。 我母亲的生日是7月10日,我父亲的生日是4月13日。

My parents are teachers. My mother's birthday is on July 10th and my father's birthday is on April 13th.


My younger sister is ten years old, and her birthday is on August 14th.

5. 你生日是什么时候? 请告诉我。

When is your birthday? Please tell me.

Unit 9 :学校学科

Dear John,

Thank you for your e-mail.

1. 我周一很忙。 8点我上数学课。 它很难但是很有趣。

I'm very busy on Monday. At 8:00 I have math. It's difficult but interesting.

2. 然后9点,我要上英语课。 这是我最喜欢的科目。 我们的英语老师很有趣。 Then at 9:00, I have English. It's my favorite subject. Our English teacher is great fun. 3. 10点我上历史课。之后我11点上体育课。 它很令人放松。

At 10:00 I have history. After that I have P.E. at 11:00. It's relaxing.

4. 午餐时间是12点到1点。 我下午有两节语文课。

Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00. I have two Chinese classes in the afternoon.

5. 接着我上科学课。 我不喜欢科学课,因为它很无聊。

And then I have science. I don't like science, because it's boring.

6. 你呢? 你最喜欢的科目是什么?

What about you? What's your favorite subject?




标签: 句型 英语 高分
